Talented, Experienced Florists
At Daisy Chain Florist, we believe that every bouquet we create is special and unique, just like our amazing customers! We're proud to source our flowers locally as much as possible, with some help from our forager Annabelle, as well as from markets around the North Island. This ensures that our customers receive only the freshest and best quality flowers.
Our team of skilled and experienced florists have a keen eye for detail that is sure to impress, and it's what keeps our customers coming back to us time and time again. We pride ourselves on telling a story with our designer bouquets - and that level of expertise has come from owner Annabelle's forty years of experience in the trade.

What really sets us apart is our passion for what we do. We love flowers, we love our jobs, and it shows. At Daisy Chain Florist, we believe that your bouquet should be as unique as you are. That is why we take the time to really understand your style, taste, and circumstances, and tailor our bouquets accordingly.
If you have a specific request, we're always here to offer expert advice on colour, style, and presentation. But rest assured, regardless of your budget, we're committed to making your bouquet not only beautiful and special but also great value for money.